Saturday, January 16, 2010

2010...a year of promise...

So far, this year is off to a great start. I have a few goals I would like to post so I can remind myself of what I am trying to accomplish, as if I will forget!

1. My relationship with Jesus Christ is growing and I am praying it gets stronger each day. This is the year I want to be an on-fire servant for Him and let no one slow me down in this. This may include letting go of old friends that think this faith thing is silly and pointless. If that happens, I know God will replace them with much better friends. I refuse to compromise myself, my body, or my girls for any person ever again.

2. I have always struggled with weight. I went thru the divorce depression and instead of losing weight as many do...I gained a lot. Last fall I started working out again and have got a good start on this but I want to be at a healthy weight and size by my birthday preferably because that is when I am going sky-diving :).

3. Because I am just divorced this past year or so, and separated for years before that, my finances are in complete ruin. Financial Peace University is starting at the end of January and that is my beginning of getting this debt under control and finally taken care of.

4. I am a sucky mom. I am hoping that furthering my walk with Christ and leaning on Him for ABSOLUTELY everything, it will help my parenting. I have to get to a realization that Eden is 4 and Sesley is 6 and that is really all they can 4 and 6.

Jesus, I seek wisdom and guidance from you as this year gets underway. Guide my steps and my actions as I deal with the mess I have made these past few years. Start my attitude right every morning and make me effective for your will everyday. I need you Lord to guide me and this family. You are the only one we have and the only one we need. In your name I pray, Amen.

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