Tuesday, March 9, 2010

You can't pick family....or can you?

I wonder why God did it that way....Why is it, more often than not, we end up with family members that are just impossible to like or get along with. And then He gives us commands like 'Love your neighbor', aka that spoiled rotten niece of yours, or selfish and tactless cousin, whatever the case may be. I also don't know why exactly I need to be friends with these people on facebook A social networking site I consider filled with those that I like.

Definition of 'family' is in my mind: those who love and support each other unconditionally, without judgement or criticism. I don't think I have one person in my blood family that is like that. My church family...that is a different story.

Ever since I came into a closer relationship with Christ, especially at Cornerstone and some of those in Va, they have been there for me day in and day out. Many of them I know I can call at any hour with any concern and I know they will be there and be happy to help. God has blessed me so much to put these people in my path.

It's unfortunate that I'm not as close with my blood family but when I feel my church family love on me and my girls, I know we're in the right place.